Ma mommy is at work, so I sneaked into her computerz (yes I know da password) and write about the most important aspect of her life...ME! Ma name is Izzie, short for Isabella Buttons (yes, that's ma real name) and you've probably seen my gorgeous face on this blog before. I am Elise's fur baby, daughter, love of her catch ma drift. Im a pretty important pup.
I was born on June 8th 2008, which makes me almost 4! I act like I'm 6 months, but thats ok, that's the way mommy likes it. Besides the fact that I am perfection to the tee (I am called a designer doggie for a reason) I also have some mad skillz. I can eat all day, sleep all day, play all day, I can sit, shake, lay down and crawl (the last one is my favorite). I am part pug, part beagle. Ma mommy was a puggle and ma daddy a black pug, so I look more like a pug then a beagle, but i'm still da cutest darn thing out there.
(at xmas...with ma jingle ball collar...its da
(ma skill...tiltin da head back)
(close-up of ma perfect eye ball)
(ma raincoat aint Chanel...but i'll take it)
(I got ma teeth fixed and whitened, here is ma smile to prove it)
(when mommy thought it was a great idea to duct-tape socks to ma feet...not cool mom, not cool)
(mommy & i)
So there ya have it, perfection! Oh shoot...mommy just came home from da job. I gotta act like I don't have da thumb to write this with!!Well..gotta go.
Bonjour ma loves,
xoxo Izzie